The race is on! Christmas is 2 weeks away, class ends a week from Tuesday, the cookie and card exchange is Monday night and I am not ready for any of it!
Last weekend we went up to Battenfeld Tree Farm to cut down our tree and one for Kelle too. We lucked out with the weather, as it has not snowed here yet, which makes it easier to trek up the hills while searching for that "perfect tree".
We found our tree first, within a few minutes, actually. Sean cut it down while I took his picture. Choosing the tree and taking pictures are my jobs. The remaining jobs are for the men.
Oh, and bringing the tree inside and putting it up is another man task. Then we girls take over
and make it look all festive and pretty.
I ordered some business card samples a couple of weeks ago from a company called Moo. I didn't realize they arrived last week because I got a lot of mail one day along with some packages and didn't look at the return address until yesterday.
I am really pleased with how they look. They are only samples, but I do like the photos I chose from my files.
I think my 2 favorites are the horse and the Golden Retriever in the lower right corner. What do you think?
I am derelect on my December Daily, but I think I can salvage my reputation by condensing it to 2 weeks instead of 30 days. I think it all depends on this week when class ends, the card and cookie swap is over and I catch up with the gift wrapping.
I do have my first page though! The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was chosen at a home about 25 minutes north of me.
Pretty neat! Several years ago a tree right around the corner from our house was chosen. I didn't even know it until I watched the news the night it was cut down. Did you know they plant a new sapling in the place where they took the tree from?
We are excited about the holidays and looking forward to having our children here with their significant others and friends. I kind of don't mind the rush of it all either. I just wish I could take the month off from work to get everything done!
Thanks for stopping by!
Your tree is lovely.
Posted by: tracy | December 12, 2010 at 05:09 PM