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February 27, 2011


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Thanks for sharing your stash! that is the hardest thing on day one when you get a kit is trying to visualize where it will go (or where to put it in your stash!) Good luck with those 12 hr days!!


ooooooooooooo the kit'll come to you i'm sure. and wow. whatta trip. it sounds like fun and can't wait to see how you showcase it.


Sounds like you're up for a great trip! Have fun! Hope you can come up with something for that kit!

Mary hamer

Your trip sounds like it will be a blast! I am so happy your shared the link for your camera bag! I have a Canon 5D and NEED a camera bag. I've been searching around forever and that one looks perfect! TFS!

Tammy D

Wow - your trip sounds exciting! How great that Ali's kit comes along just when you need it. I kept a daily travel journal for my trip to Europe last year and I'm so glad I did. It's the little details you can so easily forget, but if you write them down each day you'll always have it. Good luck with the packing!

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